Sunday 31 August 2014

Frankies 50th Celebration

Hello everyone long time no see...well long time no read/write I don’t know what I’m saying. Hello everyone sorry I haven’t posted in a couple of days I’ve been for a weekend away in a “quaint” little town near Durham (I say that but I have no idea if it’s anywhere near Durham) called Dufon for my “uncle” Frankie’s 50th Birthday Celebration. I say uncle but he’s one of them people who is my parents friends so I called him my uncle, there was a lot of my “aunties and uncles” there due to the fact their friendship group is large and full of people from around the country including 2 people from Scotland so they all gather as often as they can, which turns out to be not often at all.

Anyway let’s get into it! I’m just going to warn you this post will involve A LOT of photos!

It took about 2 hours to get there so naturally I just put my headphones in staring out the window pretending I’m in a music video. If you say you don’t do this I’m afraid young sir you’re lying.

 Yes this is a "family car selfie" don't be jel be reem.

Once we arrived I was greeted with “Jess you’re SO grown up!” “I remember when you were this high” and “you probably don’t remember me but you used to sit on my kitchen bench and eat carrots” my reaction the same every time a really big smile planted on my face and a high pitched “oh my god yes, no I do remember you!”  Followed by shared laughter and then walking over to my mum to ask who they were. This went on for about a day, until finally I learnt... most people’s names and was comfortable enough to not be pretending I knew them because I’d actually gotten to know them. It’s a lot different being older and being around adults because, instead of treating you like children they actually want to sit and have a conversation with you rather than pretending to look happy when you pester them asking for something.

I am not joking when I tell you this cottage complex was amazing if there was better reception and WI-FI I could EASILY live there. I have always wanted a big kitchen with an island and I’ve always told myself when I am older I’m going to have my dream kitchen so I was not surprised that when I walked into the cottage the “teens” and my parents were staying in my first words were “This kitchen is a masterpiece” Yup I’m THAT person.

Heading upstairs there was 2 bedrooms, a bathroom and a “lounge” me being me I got a room to myself and the other 4 teen peasants shared rooms (sorry friends) I really enjoyed having a room to myself means I could stay up until 2 in the morning reading and playing apps on my phone and not bothering anyone, I hate confrontation but I hate tired confrontation more. My room was quite spacious and oh my it got dark. I am 100% defiantly not a fan of the dark so when I first turned off my light ready to scramble into bed I got a shock. Pitch black. I freaked myself out because when I turned my light back on I didn’t recognise where I was but it was ok I survived.

The rest of this cottage was nice, decent bathroom, large lounge area with a DVD player where if I had Frozen on DVD I would have watched it and then just another decent sized bed room. As there was 5 “teens” I had my own room, Sophie and Molly shared the lounge and Charlie and JJ were in the other bedroom. It worked out well because the place was so large we didn’t feel cramped at all.

The first day consisted of myself being really awkward sitting by myself or following my mother around like a lost puppy and exploring the property, but after I got past the awkwardness It was quite fun everyone chatting and spending time together It wasn’t until the Campbell children William(11) Thomas(9) brought out Laptops, IPods’ and Ipads’ that the 4 teens (myself, Mollie, Charlie and Sophie) really started talking as a 4 laughing with the Campbell boys and mimicking old people by saying technology was ruining childhood. I’m not joking when I say I would have loved and Ipad/Laptop/Xbox at the age of 9 would have kept me entertained. I got really comfortable around molly and for most of the evening the 2nd night we were together sitting in a really cool dome sortof thing which was filled with seats, plants and fairy lights which was beautiful just talking.

My outfit on the first day was just for comfort really, since I get travel sick easily I really didn’t want to be sat in jeans so I wore Leggings, converse and I baggy top from Primark (£8) with minimal make up (foundation, eyebrows, mascara, liquid eyeliner)

The 2nd day was the exciting one! We decided to become country folk for the day and attend an agricultural show/event which was 5 minutes down the road and honestly I really enjoyed it as there was so much going on from vintage cars to cow competitions. We walked around that for a few hours watching a dog agility course, horse competitions and sheep dog trials. This was really fun but BY FAR the best part of the whole holiday was I MET A SHEEP! I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this before (note the sarcasm) but sheep are my favourite animals they’re just so cute and stupid. I love it so when I got to the Sheep competitions I couldn’t help but yelp with excitement there was sheep as far as the eye could see all waiting to be judged and honestly when I saw a sheep win a rosette I was filled with proud emotions. I was very over whelmed by the whole situation. I am really not an animal person, I just don’t like being around them I get very nervous hence, why I’m not fully embracing the sheep but trust me I was very excited.

On this day I again...wore leggings. Thing is I’m not even sorry, they’re comfy and go with anything. I wore a blue top on that I got last year from Dorothy Perkins and my walking boots #cool with a blue jacket from Matalan and a wind/water proof jacket. #PracticalChic My makeup was again very simple with just a bit of mascara, eyebrows and foundation. I don’t have anyone to impress farmers aren’t my thing.
Once we got back to the cottages we set up a gazebo ready for a BBQ which was very nice well as far as BBQ’S go but I was most excited for the roasting marshmallows part I like marshmallows’ so I enjoyed this bit very much.
For the BBQ I branched out from the leggings and wore my “boyfriend” jeans with the same top I travelled in and my converse just for a change and to show people I do have other clothes.

Dat Mirror shot tho
After the BBQ and socialising was over we all went to bed and the next day was just packing and saying goodbye really. I had a good weekend even thought I didn’t think I would.

Happy birthday Frankie.

Here are some photos!
Is it just me that thinks this looks like the doorknob from Alice In Wonderland?

The complex was filled with cute trinket things like this!

Sheep competition

Cutest dog ever

Dog Agility show

The cutest baby ever called Ella
Cow Competiton
Mother & Daughter Selfie

Gathered round the 3G
Winning Rounders Team 15-6 #saywot

Fairy light dome


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