Thursday 14 August 2014

Don't let the fear of striking out stop you from playing the game

Hey everyone,
So today was not the best of days for me. My day basically consisted of me crying to various people.
Yes I am referring to Results day. It had been fast approaching, everyone was worried, the nerves were kicking in but I don’t think anyone expected it to go the way it did. Some people received straight A’s others many others did not.
My results day experiences in the past have always been
 okay and relatively happy however, today was A LOT different. My friends did amazing (obviously) however, I couldn't help but feel jealous.

Once we all arrived in the room we split off to each get out slips that held those sacred letters we have all been praying about for weeks. Papers in hand we all gathered scared to open them and in the end it was me who went “f*ck it lets do this” ripping open the paper as fast as I could waiting for my eyes to focus and process what was in front of me.
I heard gasps all around me.  I couldn't focus on anything but the U grade staring back at me. Shocked. I couldn't bear to hear what everyone around me had received all I knew was I needed to leave now!
I ran to the bathrooms and I just burst into tears. Everyone says “Ah I’m probably going to cry” but honestly I never thought I actually would. I don’t want to sound like I’m after sympathy because I’m not I was just so shocked and confused how this had happened that I just cried and continued to cry every time I thought about it.
This isn't the end of the world I received good Grades in my other 2 subjects which I am pleased about it’s just such a shame that I now have to wait 2 years before I can FINALLY head off to University.
Well I tried and now I just have to try harder.
I was going to write a separate post about motivation but I feel like this ties in very well. Motivation can come from anything for anything, whether it’s to lose weight, get the grades you want or finally speak to that cute boy you've had your eye on.
Motivation is something that you find within. It comes from anywhere and can be for anything.
If I set my mind to something I can really do it. Getting my grades up so I can go on to the career I want is probably my biggest goal in life and something I am willing to work my ass off to get. I want job that I want to do not that I need to do.
If you want to do something, do it.
Life throws hurdles your way every now and again but getting over each hurdle means you’re still in the race.
To quote The Cinderella Story “Don’t let the fear of striking out stop you from playing the game”
I hope everyone received the results they wanted today, but if not keep your head up and 
never let the fear of striking out stop you from playing the game. 



© Jessica Rose. All rights reserved.