Saturday 25 March 2017

Update + Photography

Did you forget I had a blog? too.

I keep telling myself I need to get back into blogging but somehow I always end up burying at the bottom of my to do lists. Second year is nearly over and the assignments just don't stop, I feel like if im not sleeping im staring at my laptop and hoping for the best. 

When it comes to summer i'm going to spend my life focusing on my uni work for next year as sadly I am going into my third year in Leeds which is honestly the scariest sentence I've ever said. 

Today I wanted to share some of the recent photography I've done with Ellie and by recent I mean like a month ago and I'm sorry. 

I promise I will try harder but I mean my career comes before anything else in my life. I love you all thank you for not giving up on me! You can always follow me on social media if you want to keep up with my life. 

Ellie came to visit me in Leeds so naturally we decided to do a photo shoot around the city. 

 Also, whilst I was home we decided to try something new and do a Hollister inspired car photo shoot I have to say it's not my favourite but I feel like we need a re-shoot and try it again.

© Jessica Rose. All rights reserved.