Tuesday 30 August 2016

Manchester | The Vamps

*So I just found this post in my drafts and I just had to share it it's from April lol #memories*

Manchester is possibly my favourite city, the architecture, street art and the mass range of shops makes it hard for me to stay away. Not so long ago I had a reason to return, to see my favourite humans; Amy Clarke and The Vamps.

Soon as you know it both Amy's and Molly were gonna be joining the Manchester party, a few days later and I'm on a train on the way to the city.
I had been waiting for this day for so long as I was finally seeing Amy after what felt like a million years!

Manchester was a whirlwind of emotions for me, full of laughs, tears, hugs and singing, lots and lots of singing. We stayed in a really fancy, beautiful apartment that after a night there felt like home. Honestly, I wouldn't think twice about moving into that one bed apartment with Amy.

On the first day Amy and I took it upon ourselves to go out and spend all of our money, on food, make up and polaroid film. Seriously, the amount of polaroid's we took in 3 days was crazy, must have been a solid 70.

I bought a couple of two faced products, a tangled mug and some other bits and bobs which included a Pandora ring that is now mine and Amy's friendship rings and if she doesn't wear it everyday I'll be hella annoyed.

After what felt like a lifetime in the Arndale,getting stuck in the lifts, drenched in the rain we finally met up with Amy Carr and Amy Dobson for a cheeky Nandos. Sorry for the Lad reference, it was so wrong but it felt so right.

The next day was here almost too quick and suddenly tour was over, my hair was a mess and my life was over.

After a spot of breakfast in the apartment, and 7,000 polaroid's later. Amy and I headed out the door to meet the gang at the arena. So we jumped on the tram, which we now figured out how to use after I accidently very violently asked a random stranger how it worked the day before #tourist

When we got to the arena we were welcomed my wonderful humans such as; Molly, Lydia, Bethan and Danielle.
Hands down the best part of tour is the fact I get to see all my friends who live in different parts of the country, even if it's only for a couple of hours.

After waiting outside McDonald's for what felt like 5 seconds it was time to get in the m&g queue, we had decided against going to the hotel because frankly these lashes were going to take time to put on.

About 2 hours in a hot sweaty room later we were at the front of queue; Brad complaining to us about how hot it was whilst all of us are all violently fanning ourselves.

Amy and I decided to get a photo together since we've both met them before and this meant I'd have a photo with all my favourite humans in it. This decision was made only minutes before which lead to a lot of chaos when it came to being with the boys.

We wanted to do a pose where it looked like Amy and I were fighting over Brad as well... he's our fave if you didn't already know which I mean you did.  Side note: The boys recognise us and got hella confused when we were together since she's from Ireland and well i'm not. 

 After violently fighting with James about the fact I was going to be pulling Brad's arm not him we managed to get the shot but then it all went down hill. We hadn't prepared for the fact there would be a second photo and well... it's just a mess.

I was the only one who thought it was squad goals... I was wrong.

After m&g we went on a mission to find instax-guy-with-the-fit-bum if you know then you know. On route we found Lydia, Danielle, and Bethan, upon finding instax-guy-with-the-fit-bum he was talking to us as I was just grabbing loads of lanyards whilst staring him in the eyes. Neither of us blinked.
I then began to just hand them out, honestly I should have been paid.

It was eventually time for the gig, the final show of the tour. It was just so fun the boys were incredible as always and with it being the last show the crew and other bands played pranks on the boys. Which included giving Molly and I a heart attack. The boys mums and sisters started walking down the run way to Demi's part of Somebody To You and we genuinely thought it was Demi. I think Molly cried....or maybe that was me.

After the gig we just chilled and watched films and slept.

The final day had come, tour was over, I was about to leave my friends not knowing the next time i'd be seeing them and my heart was truly broken.

I had the best couple of days with my favourite humans and I would give anything to be back. Until next time girls x

Check out my vlog from the day ft The Vamps



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