Sunday 14 August 2016

Internet Friends

Who knew that the internet was so great? I remember being told the internet was bad, that you should never talk to people on the internet never mind meet them in person.

The internet has lead me to the best people, people I wouldn't know without Twitter, Instagram or weird YouTube people I wouldn't know any of these people who I consider my closest friends, and that's scary to me.

The internet is full of people who don't even question dropping you a dm if they see you're upset, countless amounts of people are there to make you smile, make you happy. The internet has brought me to so many people I would have never even known existed.. but now, now I do and they're the most amazing people in my life.

People that are so supportive, whether its liking my Instagram or advice on the most important decision of my life.

The internet isn't so scary anymore.

I don't know what i'd do without the people who I've met through social media, whether they're my twitter mutuals or they like my content, internet people make me the happiest.

Yes, of course I have friends I haven't met on the internet, friends I met through school, uni or just life. But, there's also friends I've never met, friends that live on the other side of the world. When I see those friends that's when it all clicks, the internet is incredible.

Don't get me wrong there are things on the internet I have seen and I never want to see again, and of course there's bad people who say mean things or just general trolls. but there is also so many kind, caring, happy people who brighten my day, everyday.

Internet friends are something I never knew would be a thing and I never knew would lead me to such amazing people. Take the Amy's, these are two girls who I hold dearly in my heart, they are always there for me, always showing me love and support and I met them through a Twitter dm, heck Clarke gets on a plane to see me. These two girls are just an example of the people I've met online.

The thing about internet friends is that we all share a common interest, be it a band, TV show, anything and everything and everyone knows common interests = friendship. It's just the rules, I didn't come up with them I just agree with them.

A lot of people don't understand internet friends because well.. they don't have them.  I'm not saying they don't have friends hey, they could have the best friends in the whole world for all I know but there's something about being friends with someone online, through a phone, tablet or computer who you may never meet that's just special. 

I'll tell you this for free when Newcastle Richard Squad gets together after months of not seeing each other the hugs, the laughs, the appreciation for each other is so bizarre.. but like in a good way.

A lot of people who I know in real life don't understand why I love The Vamps so much so let me break it down.
I have met so so so many people through this band, heck my best friend in the world came from liking this band. Yes I love The Vamps boys dearly for all the happy memories but memories I share with my Vamps friends and my Internet friends. Fandom's and such have became so much more than just liking a thing, my room isn't covered with Vamps posters, in fact I only have a Vamps calendar but my room is covered in strings of polaroid pictures with my friends from tour.

My mum always said to me "your best friends aren't always the people you grew up with" and that is something I will never forget.

This post is dedicated to all the amazing people I've met online.



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