Saturday 3 January 2015

Cute & Affordable | Room Decor

So I don't know about you but I spend 96.4% of my life in my room either by myself or with my friends so I want my room to be as cute and cosy as possible whilst subtly showing off my inner fangirl. So I found some cheap and cute ways to make your own little space cute and homey.
I am definitely not an arts and crafts specialist so everything I've done is easy. Literally, the most DIY crafty thing I did was wrap a battery pack with inside out Christmas paper.

A quick thing to do is buy loads of tea lights, (I got mine from Primark for £1.30 each pack of 30) and some cute jars from Azure's garden centre half price for £3 and when I put some tea lights in them it created a really stunning effect almost like stars. I bought 2 to make it even and honestly It makes such a difference I originally got them to put my make up brushes in (so you could also do that) but when I saw the star effect I couldn't not put tea lights in it. The only problem I have with tea lights is they only burn for 3.5 hrs so I go through so many but they're cheap as chips so.

In case you didn't know but always wondered my favourite animal is a sheep so when I saw this cute ceramic sheep for £2 I couldn't exactly leave it there without a home! I placed the sheep (which is yet to be named) in the middle of my candles and I love how it looks, it's directly opposite my bed and it looks so hella cute I love it!

 Another thing that I think is so cute is I got a long piece of left over wrapping ribbon and hole punched the top of my Taylor Swift Polaroids that came with her 1989 CD, I love this because it makes a great alternative to just a poster. This idea could also be used for photos with your friends, best memories of 2014, your favourite artists or you your best selfies as you are a work of art that deserves to be displayed.

I love the idea of dream catchers as I have always suffered from terrible nightmares since I was little but I also think the normal web type dream catcher is creepy so when I saw this fawn type dangly pendent I had to have it! I got this from Azure's too for about £3 I really like this I think it's really cute and matches my fairy lights really well.

 Speaking of fairy lights, they're the PERFECT way to make your room cosy and cute, if your parents don't allow you to have candles or you simply don't trust yourself, fairy lights are a great alternative. They may not smell but they're just as good. I have fairy lights ALL over my room, around my bed and I'm always looking for places to put more.

I hope this post gave you some inspiration and now your bedroom is going to be as cosy as mine! I love how my room looks now it used to be so boring and now I have candles, sheep, fairy lights and Taylor Swift. I have also got my framed vamps poster and one direction calender up just so I don't forget what month it is. 




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