Friday 3 July 2015

Manchester | Photography

Myself and the girls took a trip to Manchester to see the queen herself Taylor Swift on the 24/06/15 and when we arrived in Manchester we had just enough time to go explore the city... Kind of.
The Arndale shopping mall wasn't too far from where we were staying so we decided to go there for Taco Bell and Starbucks. Such a good plan. 
Whilst there I hijacked Ellie's camera as I didn't bring mine (there was no point it wasn't allowed in arena) and I took some photos whilst we were walking around. 
Manchester is such a cool place, street art around every corner, weird and cool shops and bars everywhere. It was a completely different experience, I would love to go there purely to take photos but that's for another day. 

Here's a selection of some of the photos I took, they're mostly of Ellie Harkins as she is very photogenic and let's me take her photo all the time. So thanks for that elderflower. 



  1. So jealous you saw T Swift, bet she was amazing. I really want to go to Manchester.

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

  2. This is soo cute love it, glad you had a good time in Manchester also x


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