Thursday 2 July 2015

Photography | June

June has been the month I can fully use my camera and that I have been! I was able to take it to gigs, and out and about with me. Although it is rather big so it's not easy to carry around but hey I manage. Do it for the blog.
Today I decided to sit down and edit some photos I took over the month and I also want to talk about how obsessed with taking photos. I am since I got my camera it's hardly ever out of my hand and when I don't have it I see so many photo offortunities and whisper to myself "I wish I had my camera right now".  That being said over June I have made a conscious effort to take my camera pretty much everywhere with me, dispite the size of it.
Here is a few of my favourite shots from over the month of June. You will have seen a majority already if you keep up to date with my blog and instagram.



© Jessica Rose. All rights reserved.