Tuesday 14 April 2015

Beach Walk ft Amy Wilson | Photography

You may know my friend Amy Wilson. Brown hair, tall, pretty, often takes selfies with me? You familiar? Well she happens to have a nice face and we were at the beach taking photos for her art when I decided I would take photos of her face and capture her beauty in photographic form. So that's exactly what I did.

Amy and I have been friends for a little over 9 years now so she's pretty comfortable with me... I think. So she didn't mind me taking photos of her as she knows I was just going to do it anyway.

If you have been reading my blog for like 3 months or something you will know I enjoy walking to clear my head and to take pictures well this was no different, after a long day of sixth form walking along the beach acting like weirdos taking photos, singing and talking in weird accents was exactly what I needed.

In the editing process I decided to mess about and try different effects and I am really happy with them. Much thanks to amy. Twitter/Instagram amy_wilson12 (links there)

 P.s as I'm writing this on 12/04/2015 James Daniel McVey from The Vamps just liked my photo on instagram and I am shaking and internally having a breakdown.


  1. I love these photos & agree Amy is super pretty :) Congratulations on your James McVey like chick xx

    1. Thanks Hannah love you lots and she's so pretty it's really unfair x

  2. your photography skills are amazing! Absolutely love your blog, very proud friend you have here x

  3. Lush photos jessiiieeee :)))

    Becca x


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