Monday 19 September 2016

One Year In Leeds

A year ago today I packed my life into the back of my mums then purple Fiat 500 and took the trip to Leeds. I remember sitting in the car completely zoned out just staring out the window and my wonderful mother put her hand on my leg and said "you excited?". All I could think was "if i'm honest Lynn I am absolutely terrified and im worried I am going to cry at any second" but all that seemed to escape me was a smile.

I can remember the first time I met everyone, I was told Melanie was Kasi and that I was getting the weird corner cupboard. 

Thinking back it seems like forever ago, it seems like I've known this people forever. 365 Days truly feels like 5 years, it's strange but I kind of love it. 

Now a year on I'm sat in my uni house who I share with 3 great humans and the past couple of days I've been at Mel's house playing Super Mario. 

Things I have achieved in first year:

Got a 2:1
Started a YouTube Channel
Did 6 weeks of placement at a Media Company
Got a job
Signed for a house when we weren't meant to
Failed an Essay
Watched the Euros at a pub
Booked a trip to Disney
Got an App
Did a 6am shoot
Got over my fear of clubs
Watched all of H2o
Turned 19
Went to DocFest
Took a trip to Harrogate

So much has happened in my first year, I learned a lot about myself, about the media industry and about my ability to live away from home.
Speaking of home, over this year I have felt quite homesick which is natural but it's getting easier and easier. 

I want to thank my new friends and my old friends for believing in me and supporting me through my first year. Here's to 2 more *clinks glasses*

In regards to my blog during this year I feel like It has really grown, not just in regards to readers but also my writing ability. I feel like I have really grown into my writing style. I am very happy with how my blog has progressed over the year.

I can't wait to see where second year takes me. 


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