Friday 9 September 2016

Blackpool Round 2 | The Vamps

Are you sick of hearing about The Vamps yet? If you answered yes then like I get it. I have seen them 14 times now like can I calm down?

This post starts off on a very spontaneous foot. You might remember last year when The Vamps played Blackpool Ifest and Tim Burton himself turned on the lights. You don't? ok that's fine Amy wrote a post about it -link-
I have to say last years line up was considerably better but hey I was only there this year for The Vamps.

Yeah back to the spontaneous thing, well basically for months I've been complaining that I can't go because well im poor. However...the day before I was on FaceTime to Life Through a Lens and she was like "Jess just come" so well...I did.

Amy, Molly, Lydia and I took a trip to Blackpool the next day and it was so much fun. The Vamps weren't headlining so we decided to leave after their set. The act before the boys changed my life it was a guy called Fatman Scoop and he made me feel like I was in Zante not Blackpool. It was amazing.

I was so hype after his set that when the boys were on I was just screaming and going wild. To the point where Lydia and I dabbed, hit each other in the face and Con just laughed at us,

I had such a good time, I can't possibly write down everything that made me laugh, or made me smile. I loved it all.

I can't wait to see my girls again - Yes Amy and Laura this means you two as well.

Check out Amy's vlog - Link 


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